What is long scale contrast?

Publish date: 2024-06-14

long-scale contrast. A radiograph that demonstrates small differences in density between adjacent areas. Long-scale contrast is a result of high kilovoltage peak (kVp). In dental radiography, for example, 80 to 90 kVp or higher is necessary to produce a radiograph with long-scale contrast.Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, what is short scale contrast?short-scale contrast. A radiograph that demonstrates large differences in density between adjacent areas. Short-scale contrast is a result of low kilovoltage peak (kVp). In dental radiography, for example, a kVp less than about 60 must be used to produce a radiograph with short-scale contrast. See also: contrast.Beside above, why does increasing kVp decrease contrast? A higher density material will attenuate more x-rays than a lower density material. A higher kVp will make the x-ray beam more penetrating. This will result in less difference in attenuation between the different parts of the subject, leading to lower contrast. Additionally, what does contrast mean in radiography? Radiographic contrast is the density difference between neighboring regions on a plain radiograph. High radiographic contrast is observed in radiographs where density differences are notably distinguished (black to white).What affects contrast resolution?Contrast resolution is the ability to distinguish between differences in intensity in an image. It is a difficult quantity to define, because it depends on the human observer as much as the quality of the actual image. For example, the size of a feature affects how easily it is detected by the observer.
