Gilgo Beach Murders, Ex-Police Chief Arrested for Attempting to Solic

Publish date: 2024-06-04
James Burke Rex Heuermann Getty/Newsday/James Carbone Composite UPDATE

2:45 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources in Suffolk Co. tell us James Burke allegedly exposed his penis to a plain-clothed male park ranger around 10 AM Tuesday, and while touching himself, discussed oral sex with the ranger.


11:04 AM PT -- In all, Burke's been charged with attempting to solicit a sexual act, public lewdness, indecent exposure and criminal solicitation.

James Burke -- the former Suffolk County Police Chief heavily criticized for derailing the Gilgo Beach murders investigation due to his ties to sex workers -- has been arrested for attempting to solicit a sex act.

Just as all eyes are on his former law enforcement fiefdom and the serial killer case he botched, onetime Suffolk County police chief James Burke got himself arrested this morning. Charges are unrelated to Gilgo Beach - initial report from Newsday is drugs. Getting booked:

— Gus Garcia-Roberts (@ggarciaroberts) August 22, 2023 @ggarciaroberts

The Tuesday morning arrest at Suffolk County's Vietnam War Memorial is remarkable because Burke was known to frequent sex workers back when he was Chief in the Long Island, NY community -- from 2012 to 2015 -- and many believe that's why he bungled the investigation into the Gilgo Beach murders ... as all the victims were sex workers.

James Burke Suffolk County PD

Burke was previously arrested in 2015 for beating up a suspect in custody, and he was eventually convicted and served 46 months in prison.

Play video content TMZ INVESTIGATES

Burke's mishandling of the case is just one of several failings we uncovered in the documentary, "TMZ Investigates: Gilgo Beach Serial Murders: Missed Warning Signs" ... streaming now on Hulu.

Rex Heuermann Newsday/James Carbone

As we've reported, Rex Heuermann has been arrested and charged with 3 of the Gilgo murders, and he's the prime suspect in a 4th.

Gilgo Beach Victims Gallery Launch Gallery Gilgo Beach Victims Launch Gallery Gallery

A total of 11 bodies have been uncovered on the Long Island beachfront.

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT
