Canadian Wild Pigs Building 'Pigloos' To Survive Winter

Publish date: 2024-06-25

Among the many talents of wild hogs is the ability to burrow like a Graboid from Tremors, according to Narcity. "To stay warm during the winter seasons, wild pigs will burrow deep into the snow, creating tunnels with snow on top acting as insulation." The result is a pigloo.

The pigloos also make it much harder to spot a burrow, ensuring hunters and conservationists struggle to find them. Feral hogs are so abundant that it is generally encouraged to control their population to reduce the number of babes made — a sentiment which also applies to the Babe film series.

"The growing wild pig population is not an ecological disaster waiting to happen," Ryan Brook, the University of Saskatchewan's lead researcher for the Canadian Wild Pig Project told USask News, "it is already happening."

So, if you see an igloo in the woods, don't assume it's a pygmy Eskimo hut — it's probably a porcine palace. Call up a wildlife expert, or Billy Bob from down the road, and you might have earned yourself a lifetime supply of pork chops.
